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CompanyWhite Arkitekter / Faulders Studio
Lead DesignersElena Kanevsky / Thom Faulders
Design TeamElena Kanevsky, Thom Faulders, Dan Engberg
Project LocationSan Jose, California
ClientUrban Confluence Silicon Valley
Creditsrender: TMRW
Entry Description

San Jose has asked for a landmark.

Between earth and sky:
The hotbed of Silicon Valley is geographically and culturally expansive, boundless, and divergent. Its spirit of innovation is seeded with ‘blue sky thinking’. As opposed to the singularity of a tower, SKY LIGHT is based on multiplicity, horizontality and place-making. It presents a collective environment for urban activity and creates civic identity to Silicon Valley and to the world beyond. To experience SKY LIGHT, to walk under it, over it, take in the sunset at its observation deck, is to be immersed in its sublime vastness.