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Next U

UniversityUniversity of Nottingham Ningbo China, Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons Institute
Lead DesignersYu,T., Wu,J., Sun,X., Liu,B., Wang,X., Yang,X.
Design TeamTanghao Yu, Jiang Wu, Xu Sun, Bingjian Liu, Xinwei Wang, Xiaogang Yang
Prize(s)Bronze in Industrial And Life Science Design / Aids/Prosthetics
Entry Description

ICU intubated patients are vulnerable groups. They are conscious but unable to communicate verbally and fingers might be few parts that can move freely. Next U is a pair of hand wearable devices with gesture sensors and haptic units. The concept allows intubated patients to express their demands via customized finger gestures and receive haptic feedbacks for confirmation. With the application of microfluidics, a technology to simulate haptic senses, patients may also be relaxed by tactile therapy with experience involving temperature, touch, motion and vibration etc.