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CompanyNakol by Natalia Kolpakova
Lead DesignersNataliia Shamrai
ClientNakol by Natalia Kolpakova
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Entry Description

The basic images for the collections are created as independent works with vividly marked stories. Mysterious and familiar at the same time: answers to the challenge of external circumstances, forebodings and dreams, universal truth hidden under a recognizable layer of line, texture and form. We are creatures of 4s dimensions - three are spatial and 1-time dimension. rejecting one dimension, distorting and manipulating it in the image, we can create a mysterious sensation of “timeless”
But, in the reality that has come, this feeling is associated with a desire for security, a"Warless" world


My name is Nataliia Shamrai(Kolpakova)
I am the Ukrainian Founder of
I design and create exclusive and luxurious limited edition silk clothing and accessories
My range includes beautiful silk scarves, dresses and raincoats, silk kimono dressing gowns, sleep masks and mules.
I ensure that every piece is so unique it is like owning an exquisite collectible item.
Unique needs - Unique proposition

Awards and Prize

Since 2017, I have had an inspiring experience of participating in international design festivals such as Paris Design Week, Frankfurt Ambiente(2018) and Stokholm Formex(2019,2020), where I have repeatedly been one of the Talent Designers with silk scarves,
in October 2018, I had a personal exhibition at the UN in Vienna, as part of the Days of Ukraine.
Silver medalist of the Epson Digital Fashion competition.
In September 2019 my brand is one of the ones selected for the Ukrainian stand in the online business tour of the Tallinn Design Festival.
Silver medalist at the New Fashion Zone international competition, held in October 2020.
In November 2020, an exhibition of Ukrainian contemporary art artists opened in Bangkok, where my silk kimono project was one of three parts.
Since March 2021, my silk scarves have been presented at the Kiev Central Department Store.
In September 2021 have been selected by the GOLD LIST- Top Contemporary Artists of Today. The GOLD LIST Award is a certificate of excellence for unique artistic style and high- technique achievements in the contemporary art
world certificate was awarded and confirmed outstanding artistic performance in 2021.
September. Taking part in the Helsinki Design Week, Design Market online and offline.
August. Won the European Product Design Award in the category Home Interior Products/Interior Decoration
#ePDA2022 #ePDA2022winner
June Exhibition «Supernova. Art of Ukraine».Basel Art Center