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CompanyY+ Design Studio
Lead DesignersYiqi Yan, Wenbo Zhang
ClientHarvard Innovation Labs
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Entry Description

The fashion industry is wasteful. While fashion companies have been investing in sustainable materials to reduce environmental issues, the throwaway culture is left under-addressed. UpStyle targets the intersection of the rising upcycle fashion trend and expanded applications of Generative AI. We aim to build up streamlined digital infrastructures integrated into an application tailored to the fast fashion industry to deliver viable, scalable solutions to reuse, repair, and refurbish apparel to extend the longevity of fashion items and prevent them from ending up in landfills underutilized.


Hi! I am Yiqi Yan, the founder of Y+ Design Studio, I'm a product designer, visual storyteller, and game artist. Clients I have been working for include Tencent, Meta, Disney, Activision, and more.

Now I'm actively exploring multidisciplinary relationships between AI, XR, art, and human augmentation with a product design approach @Harvard University, @Harvard AugmentationLab, and @MIT Media Lab. Pursuing my interest in exploring the intersections of speculative technology & design, I also engage in research @MIT Tangible Interfaces and @MIT Affective Computing Group.