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HANDY - The multipurpose device for everyday use

CompanyMZ Design
Lead DesignersMatteo Zallio
Project LocationUnited States
CreditsMatteo Zallio & Giulia Scagliotti
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Entry Description

COVID-19 has rapidly spread around the world and objects around us can accelerate virus transmission. HANDY, born as an open source response to COVID-19 pandemic, is a multipurpose personal device to allow contactless interaction with daily routine objects. Its minimal, user-friendly, sustainable design serves as a body extension for right/left-handed individuals, people of all ages and with different abilities. HANDY, a design example of form, fit and function, can be used as a portable keychain to open or close doors, press buttons, interact with objects, carry shopping bags and much more.


Matteo Zallio, M.Arch, Ph.D., is an award-winning architect, designer, researcher and Adjunct Professor. He is the founder of the startup Déan Design Lab and UX Design Researcher at Stanford University. Matteo, awarded with a US - Fulbright fellowship and an EU - Marie Curie Fellowship, spent his life researching and designing Human-Centered products and experiences. He is the chairman of the Irish National Mirror Committee for the standard ISO TC 314 “Ageing societies”, design mentor at Open IDEO, San Francisco InnoDays, member of international jury panels (SAGE Global) and speaker worldwide.

Awards and Prize

Fulbright fellowship - U.S.A. Government, Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship - European Commission, Future Leading Lights Award from the Irish Road Safety Authority - Ireland, Emerging Scholar Award, International Conference on Design Principles and Practices – George Brown College, Toronto - Canada, National Health Informatics Society of Ireland award - Ireland, First prize, National Italian Award “ETIC” from AICA and Rotary International - Italy, First prize, Best Innovative Research Idea, at the Fifth Italian Conference on Ambient Assisted Living - Italy.