Dyson Janzen Architects,Inc.
Dyson Janzen Architects,Inc.
Arthur Dyson
Website http://www.dysonjanzen.com
Fresno, CA, 93728
Dyson studied Psychology at U of WI, Philosophy U of OK, Planning at CSUF and received a MArch at the SFIA. He served apprenticeships with Frank Lloyd Wright, Bruce Goff, and William Gray Purcell. He was Dean of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture 1998 to 2002. He is past president of the Taliesin Fellows and President of AIA San Joaquin. He has received of over 200 major Design awards and featured in 400 plus publications and in over two- dozen books, including The Architecture of Arthur Dyson by Mark Hammons and “Arthur Dyson: L’architettura meditative”, by Giuliano Chelazzi.
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