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Saltuk Karayalcin


Saltuk Karayalcin
Saltuk Karayalcin

Istanbul, Cihangir, 34433

I am a Product Design BSc graduate from Bournemouth University with a 10 month internship at Indesit Company. I have now enrolled onto Masters in Management at London School of Economics. I am a Turkish citizen but I have completed the last 12 years of my education in the UK starting as a boarding student at Cheltenham College. I have developed Potavel as my final year project and sealed it with a European Patent application funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. I have very recently awarded a Sustainable Development award from Smith & Nephew and I have been contacted by companies such Dyson, Arcelik and WaterAid as a result. I hope to build my portfolio with Potavel and start an ethical business that helps people living away from water sources that may be unsafe to drink from in Developing Countries.



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