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Eco Element, LINX, Mikael Backstrom | International Design Awards Winners
Eco Element, LINX, Mikael Backstrom | International Design Awards Winners
Eco Element, LINX, Mikael Backstrom | International Design Awards Winners
Eco Element, LINX, Mikael Backstrom | International Design Awards Winners

Eco Element

CompanyLINX, Mikael Backstrom
Lead DesignersMikael Bäckström
ClientMikael Bäckström
Prize(s)Silver in Design For Society / Design for Sustainability
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Sanitation professionals identified a strong need for an
efficient, durable, compact chemical proportioning system
with functionality as a mop bucket and spray bottle filler.
Eco Element is an ideal chemical proportioning system. Its
small size and sleek lines make the Eco Element adaptable
to many environments, primarily schools, hospitals, and
retail facilities.

Usability, efficiency and sustainability drive Eco Element’s
identity. A linear, architectural design language reinforces
an intuitive user interface. User touch points are defined by
a hierarchy of iconography, contour, color, and allowances.
These elements provide a positive user experience.

Eco Element’s concealed manifold, hinged bag loading
structure, and quick connect execute maximum labor and
product efficiency. The manifold dilutes first-rate, super-
concentrated Green Seal™ chemistry on site, which
displaces traditional cleaning industry water complexes.
Hermetically-sealed flexible chemical packaging plugs in to
Eco Element to deliver an impressive 99.9% product
evacuation rate and 89% less waste than other cleaning
industry packaging.