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Unity, Playworld Systems | International Design Awards Winners
Unity, Playworld Systems | International Design Awards Winners
Unity, Playworld Systems | International Design Awards Winners
Unity, Playworld Systems | International Design Awards Winners


CompanyPlayworld Systems
Lead DesignersMichael Laris
ClientMichael Laris
Prize(s)Gold in Other Products Designs / Other Products designs
Entry Description

Now more than ever, playground equipment needs to be
meaningful and relevant — meaningful to a child's
developmental stage, relevant to the world they live in
today. The design behind Unity is based on these principles
and it propels the past into the future. Decades ago the
Geodesic Dome was converted into a piece of play
equipment and this engineering solution has remained the
same until now. In fact, much of the population has played
on one.

We redesigned the dome because children aren't triangular
shaped. Previously the exciting inside space was
inaccessible and all sides were the same.
Unity is made of circles of various sizes to move through and
hang from, odd shaped openings add access to the center of
it all where there is a special rope climbing feature.
Rhythmic play activities create a ‘drum circle’ and bring
variation to the circumference, allowing everyone to be ‘In,
On, and Around’ the Unity dome.

The structure provides everything needed in a climber with a
multitude of challenges to increase strength, agility and
movement planning for children of all abilities ages 5-12 .
Unity is also a great place to gather, gain perspective from a
different vantage point and play .

But its greatest attribute may be its natural form – the dome
gathers children together in one place, the open, barrier
free frame allows children to see and communicate with
each other. The various activities and levels of challenge
allow every child to be a part of the play. In today’s world,
there may be nothing more important than children being
together, face-to- face, in the here and now, in the fresh air
of the outside environment. Unity facilities unstructured
outdoor play that helps children form friendships, create
memories, and become who they are.