Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Ambu® aScope™ 3, Ambu A/S | International Design Awards Winners
Ambu® aScope™ 3, Ambu A/S | International Design Awards Winners
Ambu® aScope™ 3, Ambu A/S | International Design Awards Winners
Ambu® aScope™ 3, Ambu A/S | International Design Awards Winners
Ambu® aScope™ 3, Ambu A/S | International Design Awards Winners

Ambu® aScope™ 3

CompanyAmbu A/S
Lead DesignersJens Frimand
ClientJens Frimand
Prize(s)Silver in Industrial And Life Science Design / Medical/Scientific Machinery
Entry Description

Ambu® aScope™ 3 is a single-use flexible scope for
intubation and bronchoscopy in airway management.
The single-use concept improves patient safety, as it is
always available when needed without any risk of cross-
contamination – cross-contamination from flexible
endoscopes is the number 1 hazard on the ECRI 2016 top
10 hazard list.
The portable and lightweight design makes the system
easy to transport, set up and use and due to the single-
use concept the product can just be discarded after use
without any further handling and reprocessing saving
valuable time and resources.