Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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BTN Mask,  | International Design Awards Winners
BTN Mask,  | International Design Awards Winners
BTN Mask,  | International Design Awards Winners
BTN Mask,  | International Design Awards Winners
BTN Mask,  | International Design Awards Winners
BTN Mask,  | International Design Awards Winners

BTN Mask

UniversityCarleton University
Lead DesignersSunghyun Lee
Design TeamAmy Kwong, Jason Wong
CreditsWebsite design by Jason Wong, writing by Amy Kwong
Prize(s)Bronze in Design For Society / Design for Society
Project LinkView
Entry Description

BTN is low-cost face mask that reduces the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Its simple construction provides equitable access to those most in need, regardless of location or income.

People living in low-income countries have limited access to masks. The single-use BTN mask is an innovative, easy-to-use design that can be mass-produced almost anywhere using common, low-cost materials and conveniently distributed to those in need.