Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Balance Backpack,  | International Design Awards Winners
Balance Backpack,  | International Design Awards Winners
Balance Backpack,  | International Design Awards Winners
Balance Backpack,  | International Design Awards Winners
Balance Backpack,  | International Design Awards Winners
Balance Backpack,  | International Design Awards Winners

Balance Backpack

UniversityKonkuk University, Yonsei University
Lead DesignersInhwan Kim , Donggyu Hwang , Jaemoon Choi
Design TeamAs-design
Project LocationProduct design
Prize(s)Gold in Children Products / Baby & Children Products
Entry Description

Balance Backpack is a backpack that can adjust the length of both shoulder straps at the same time, keeping them balanced.
When everyone wears a backpack, the length of both shoulder straps is different.
The problem is that it is difficult to adjust the length of the left and right sides, and even if the length of the left and right sides are the same, the length of one side is increased or decreased during the activity, resulting in an imbalance.
Especially for growing children, different lengths of both shoulder straps can cause left and right shoulder height changes and spinal deformations.