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Lion’s Bank Master Key World Elite Mastercard, Idea Bank SA division Lion's Bank | International Design Awards Winners
Lion’s Bank Master Key World Elite Mastercard, Idea Bank SA division Lion's Bank | International Design Awards Winners
Lion’s Bank Master Key World Elite Mastercard, Idea Bank SA division Lion's Bank | International Design Awards Winners
Lion’s Bank Master Key World Elite Mastercard, Idea Bank SA division Lion's Bank | International Design Awards Winners
Lion’s Bank Master Key World Elite Mastercard, Idea Bank SA division Lion's Bank | International Design Awards Winners
Lion’s Bank Master Key World Elite Mastercard, Idea Bank SA division Lion's Bank | International Design Awards Winners

Lion’s Bank Master Key World Elite Mastercard

CompanyIdea Bank SA division Lion's Bank
Lead Designers
ClientRemigiusz Dymek
Prize(s)Bronze in Other Products Designs / Other Products designs
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Lion’s Bank is a private banking brand belonging to Idea
Bank SA and offering services to the wealthiest and most
respected of entrepreneurs. It specializes in real estate
investments, bringing a new dimension to Polish private
banking. Under the guidance of its motto: earning, not
saving, the bank has been helping its clients to build
substantial profits since 2010.

Lion’s Bank Master Key World Elite Mastercard was
launched in November 2013. Offered only to a handful of
carefully selected clients, it refers expressly to Lion’s
Bank high-profile market. It is the world’s first
irregularly shaped metal card and the first European
metal card oriented vertically. Weighing 25 grams, it is
made of metal (an alloy of nickel, copper and zinc)
instead of plastic. Its front is marked with a reflective
logotype, shaped as a lion’s head, with the cardholder’s
name engraved directly beneath it. The card’s serial
number, usually visible on the credit cards’ surface, has
been concealed in order to make the design even more
elegant and seamless.

Given that the card makers came up with a highly
unusual design, great amount of work was put into
research and devlopment, and into formalities, in order
for the card to meet all the requirements of local and
international banking laws and payment regulations.
Because of the card’s unprecedented shape, all
manufacturing devices used in the production process
had to be modernized and reprogrammed. This is why it
took almost 12 months to produce the card (instead of a
standard month).

All in all, the card represents the holder’s social and
financial status, fulfills his desire for luxury and
reinforces the bank’s brand – all at the same time. It is
designed to attract attention and be awe-inspiring.