Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Metaball,  | International Design Awards Winners
Metaball,  | International Design Awards Winners
Metaball,  | International Design Awards Winners
Metaball,  | International Design Awards Winners
Metaball,  | International Design Awards Winners
Metaball,  | International Design Awards Winners


Lead DesignersChris Bradley
Prize(s)Silver in Outdoor And Exercise Equipment / Exercise Equipment
Project LinkView
Entry Description

The Metaball was designed to combine the very best functional workout equipment into one integrated product. At first glance, the Metaball resembles a medicine ball, but it actually consists of two independent half spheres that rotate opposite of each other to allow for greater range of ergonomic motion in the user's workouts.

By simply clicking the button, the 5 lb Metaball can be separated, allowing the user to add or remove weight up to a maximum of 20 lbs. The button placement allows for seamless transitions between exercises that call for the Metaball to be used in either its whole or separated states. Its location also ensures that the ball will not come apart during use, unless specifically activated with the thumb. Upon separation the user can spin on/off 2.5lb weight plates to obtain the desired weight based upon the user's fitness level and the body part being exercised. When separated the Metaball halves may be used as adjustable weight dumbbells or pushup bars. When joined together it may be used as an adjustable weight medicine ball or kettlebell.

The ability to quickly change from one exercise to the next is a key benefit of the Metaball design that allows for more exciting and effective workouts. The overall objective of Metaball was to design a configurable fitness system that is easy to transport, easy to adjust weight, with a very compact footprint. The Metaball is compact and functional with truly exceptional ergonomics.