Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance,  | International Design Awards Winners

CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance

UniversityUmeå Institute of Design
Lead DesignersAlexander Abele
Design TeamAlexander Abele, Maximilian Brück
Project LocationSweden
Prize(s)Gold in Sustainable Living/environmental Preservation / Energy Conservation Equipment
Project LinkView
Entry Description

The worldwide demand for energy is growing exponentially and is expected to triple until 2050. "Grid Providers fighting in a two-front war to keep up with the growing demand while preserving the existing structures." But the conservative business lacks behind in adapting to modern maintenance processes and digital technology. These circumstances become especially important in transformer maintenance.
CHROMA - Advanced powergrid maintenance tries to overcome these challenges by allowing to collect more relevant data and fastens the inspections to allow better diagnosis and prognosis.


As a Designer, I would like to use my passion and ability to create products and services that help people and add value. Technology is constantly evolving and digitalization, artificial intelligence and automatization can provide essential value to the society if done right. But the human should be in the center of the process because technology will be the foundation of the future, not our enemy. Especially the designer of tomorrow will meet big challenges generated by the globalization and the necessity of sustainability that must be met by solutions delivered in a responsible way.

Awards and Prize

Red dot Award | Core 77 Notable | iF Concept Award