Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Treelingz Forest Builders, tcc | International Design Awards Winners
Treelingz Forest Builders, tcc | International Design Awards Winners
Treelingz Forest Builders, tcc | International Design Awards Winners
Treelingz Forest Builders, tcc | International Design Awards Winners
Treelingz Forest Builders, tcc | International Design Awards Winners

Treelingz Forest Builders

Lead Designerstcc
Design Teamtcc Entertainment Team
Prize(s)Silver in Sustainable Living/environmental Preservation / Sports/Toys/Games
Entry Description

Treelingz Forest Builders are collectable toys made from cork, a renewable material that does not damage the living tree when sourced. The toys are decorated with colourful tree figures using water-based non-toxic inks. Each of the 24 toys can stand either on its own or in a ‘stacking game’, where children try to build the tallest tower possible. The fun characters help bring to life the importance of trees through play, inspiring children and families to take action by planting trees to help combat global warming. Each figure comes packaged in a 100% recyclable FSC paper mix sachet.