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Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners
Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners
Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners
Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners
Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners
Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners
Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners
Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners
Carry On Light, July&Co P/L | International Design Awards Winners

Carry On Light

CompanyJuly&Co P/L
Lead DesignersAlan R Kirszner
Design TeamJuly&Co P/L Design Team
Project LocationMelbourne, Victoria, Australia
CreditsCopyright © 2021 July&Co P/L. All rights reserved.
Prize(s)Bronze in Design For Society / Design for Society
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Carry On Light, the lightest double-wheel hardshell in the world. An intuitive design to break the barriers around existing lightweight carry-ons.

It has all the things you expect from a suitcase, without the weight.

The rounded polycarbonate hardshell is strong and impact-resistant. Twin-bar telescopic soft touch handle. Four double-wheels for best stability and help you manoeuvre in any space.

Made with durable materials and designed to last a lifetime.