Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners
Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners
Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners
Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners
Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners
Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners
Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners
Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners
Revelation One,  | International Design Awards Winners

Revelation One

Lead DesignersMikel Tube
Prize(s)Silver in Outdoor And Exercise Equipment / Sports/Toys/Games
Entry Description

High-end wooden diving board made out of hardwood. Fixed on a stainless steel bracket with 9 woodbolts. The board is handmade and assembled using specific techniques in order to adapt the bend force to the weight of the customer. GBF factors come in 3 degrees light, medium, heavy.
Materials are chosen with the intention to resist different climates and salt water. The boards are waxed or can be finished with a varnish and white Rhine sand mixture, which gives them extra adherence.

It is unique in it's style and concept, combining vintage looks with recent know how. When designing this first model I've questioned children on how a diving board looks like for them. The outcome was astonishing, they are not yet influenced and spoiled so their vision is pure, simple and down to earth. They are the real designers of this board

Since we are very concerned about global warming and climate change we actually deploy CRAFTERSHIP. It's the combination of craftsmanship and partnership, by which we share our knowledge, make and expertise with local woodworkers in order to make the boards near to the final destination, the customer. When a customer orders a board and we have a partnership with a woodworker in that region, we will give this task to him. Mikel Tube Limited organizes the legal aspects, the transport, the communication and everything that is of administrative concern up to the final quality check with the customer.
This way of working reduces the ecological footprint of our products with 76 % on transport only. We think this is a step in the good direction and would like our model to be inspiring for other manufacturers.

Finally, some boards need to come in specific crates. We've designed those specifically to give them a second life after transport. Children are motivated to adopt Craty.


A true story...
The story of Mikel Tube® starts the same as those of many others : an obsessive idea becoming a product. Created by Mikel, it grew with him. Spending hours, day and night in the workshop adjusting early concepts, finding solutions and finally creating pieces of art.

There are a lot of beautiful products in the world. But making a piece of art, used daily, out of natural products, in respect with this nature, that is enjoyed by young and old, gives me ultimate satisfaction.

I need no more than the smiles on their faces.

Awards and Prize

2014 IDA Silver winner

With the Revelation 1 model, since then created beautiful designs (Jensen 1, Marine 1, Derover 1) and today released the Ocean 1, which in my humble opinion is the best I've ever made.

Find out on and tell me I'm wrong ;-)