Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners
crescent sport headset,  | International Design Awards Winners

crescent sport headset

Lead Designerszhou hongchao
Prize(s)Bronze in Media And Home Electronics / TV, Video and Audio Equipment
Entry Description

Problem:Based on the research among age 18-35 with the measurement of 1000 ears portfolio,the maximum ear height is 70 mm, while the minimum ear height is 30 mm, The ear size different, how to fixed in ear of headset?

Solve:Silicone wrapped aluminum, you can bend shape, to adapt to different sizes of ears. Ears soft and transparent hollow, which fit the ear surface, do not hurt the ears.