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Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus,  | International Design Awards Winners
Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus,  | International Design Awards Winners
Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus,  | International Design Awards Winners
Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus,  | International Design Awards Winners
Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus,  | International Design Awards Winners
Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus,  | International Design Awards Winners
Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus,  | International Design Awards Winners
Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus,  | International Design Awards Winners

Other: The Menstrual Cup For Anyone With A Uterus

Lead DesignersMary Suttle
Design TeamMary Suttle
Prize(s)Bronze in Other Products Designs / Other Products designs
Entry Description

Other is a menstrual product that does not assume gender identity of the person using it. Regardless how you identify: as a woman, man, neither, or other, the Other Cup is a new menstrual experience. The Other Cup is designed to minimize the interaction with menstrual fluid, both physically and visually. The Other Cup is inserted with an applicator, then opens to collect menstrual fluid once inserted, after twelve hours the cup is removed with the same reusable silicone applicator, and a new clean cup is inserted. You never need to touch the cup or interact with blood.