First established in 1965 and renewed in 2018, Ryokan Miyabiyado Takemine lies in the middle of Tokyo. Offers sophisticated Japanese cuisine and a quiet environment to relax in, we have served local guests and overseas travelers from various countries.Our hotel features 5 room types inspired by Sukiya-zukuri, a type of Japanese architectural style incorporating tea house aesthetics. The rooms offer a relaxing getaway where you can unplug and enjoy your stay.
Born in 1979.
Studied art from his childhood under his father, a spatial designer and relief artist, and graduated from art college. Later, he worked as a graphic designer and interior designer before starting his career as a freelance designer in 2011.
In 2017, he established DESIGN Iris Co., Ltd. and has worked on a wide range of projects, including space design and design display design for commercial facilities, graphic design for logos, menus, and signage, three-dimensional design for packaging and products, and branding design.
2021 Silver Award, A' Design Award & Competition, Milano/Italy
2020 Bronze Award, The 14th IDA (International Design Award), Los Angeles/USA
2018 Honorable Mention, DSA Design Award, Tokyo/Japan
2017 Honorable Mention, The 11th IDA (International Design Award), Los Angeles/USA