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United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners
United 1/12, PEAR & MULBERRY  | International Design Awards Winners

United 1/12

Lead DesignersYumeng Li, Zongheng Sun
Design TeamPara Plays Group
CreditsPhoto by: LI&SUN DESIGN
Prize(s)Bronze in Print / Print Advertising
Project LinkView
Entry Description

United 1/12 is a cultural innovation IP featuring the revival of 12 zodiacs widely spread in Asia to unite Asian representations across regions and generations. Each zodiac poster embraces people with a sense of belonging to a shared zodiac birth year. Also, stickers on the posters can be used as tickets to the #StopAsianHate events.
Shifting to #ProudToBeAsian as the following topic, collateral materials are refactored into modular VI, providing users various interwoven accessory combos to manifest the "cross and bond": Endeavor to persevere cross-cultural dialogue.

Awards and Prize

Gold in Sustainable fashion, Gold in Special Purpose Shoes, Gold in Footwear, IDA Design Award 2021
Gold in Accessory, IDA Design Award 2021
Gold in Web Application Design, Gold in Interactive Media, IDA Design Award 2021
Top Design Winner in Children Products, Top Design Winner in Physical therapy and therapy products, European Product Design Award (EPDA), 2022
Top Design Winner in Designs for Social Impact, European Product Design Award (EPDA), 2022
iF Design Award 2022, Product
iF Design Award 2022, Professional Concept