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f5 Tourisme,  | International Design Awards Winners
f5 Tourisme,  | International Design Awards Winners
f5 Tourisme,  | International Design Awards Winners
f5 Tourisme,  | International Design Awards Winners
f5 Tourisme,  | International Design Awards Winners
f5 Tourisme,  | International Design Awards Winners
f5 Tourisme,  | International Design Awards Winners
f5 Tourisme,  | International Design Awards Winners

f5 Tourisme

Lead DesignersJon Santacoloma
Prize(s)Gold in Transportation / Auto/Truck/Mobile Home
Entry Description

f5-T is a vehicle suitable for the current demand. Groups of travelers tend to be less numerous so the profitability of these models is more than guaranteed. The new model f5-T is bodywork built with panels of fiberglass of 9.5 metres in length, designed for carrying 38 passengers, guide and driver. A product that combines design, safety, durability and high performance in day-to-day operations at an affordable price. It’s a vehicle suited for nowadays style of live. The design challenge start with the goal of design it for chassis Mercedes-Benz Atego, CC-150 Iveco CC-150 and MAN P.14, all front engine. The version of the images corresponds to F5 on the Atego chassis. Characteristics of design are use of fiberglass material and application of user-centered design criteria. Fiberglass increases the durability of the car, makes repairs easier and lightens the vehicle for less fuel consumption. Those points make it more Sustainable. Also facilitate the front side manufacturing in one part, reducing imperfections and gaps when connecting it with the rest of the vehicle. Front design also facilitates natural and high air circulation in order to have engine’s natural refresh for better perform. Easy to use, and feel like in particular car. With a very competitive starting price and a groundbreaking design aims to introduce in the segment of the midis. Thus this f5-T midi has a closer design to particular car than to a collective one, a way to break down barriers and go beyond, use and facilitate the future collective transport systems.


Jon Santacoloma is the soul behind Ideilan Design. His professional career started shortly after earning his degree in business science – with a specialisation in marketing – from the Universidad Comercial de Deusto (Deusto Business University) in 1996. One year later he was awarded a public scholarship at the DZ Design Centre for a three-year course in industrial design. He later extended his studies at De Montfort University in Leicester, U.K., where he earned a B.A. degree (with honours) in Product and Furniture Design.
This knowledge and training have greatly influenced his career. He has collaborated with the University of Oviedo, the University of Aviles and Mondragon University as a professor and project supervisor. He has also taught and supervised in the Design Management Masters programme offered by the DZ Design Centre, in collaboration with the Basque Country University.
He has also been an outside expert in industrial design at the UoW – University of Wales since 2008, and maintains ongoing relations with a number of different technology centres. He is currently teaching at the University of Deusto (DBS).
Jon Santacoloma’s work has been recognised by, among others, the AEPD (Asociación Española de Profesionales del Diseño, [Spanish Association of Design Professionals]) with their industrial design prize in 2006. He has also written a number of articles related to the role of design in a company, its management and its contribution to sustainable competitiveness.

Awards and Prize
