Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Sound of Words, S.H. Studio | International Design Awards Winners

Sound of Words

CompanyS.H. Studio
Lead DesignersAlvin Wang, Yu Chung Hsing
Design Team Lin Po Yen
Project LocationTaiwan, Taipei city
Prize(s)Honorable Mention
Entry Description

Light, melody, and scent of books flow in and permeate the room. A home is a gathering place of distinctive senses and aesthetics, a safe house that harbors the mind and the body, keeping storms and rains away from ordinary living.
The renovation project of a twenty-year-old four-story house turns the elegance of neoclassicism into modern minimalism. A shared space with larger openings for lighting and broader prospects for the first floor dictate its aesthetics.
The simplicity of color scheme and linearity sprinkled with hints of color integrate the spatial diversity into a rhythmic order.