Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners
Textile Lightweight Console, dekonform | buero fuer gestaltung | International Design Awards Winners

Textile Lightweight Console

Companydekonform | buero fuer gestaltung
Lead DesignersKarl-Ludwig Holl
Design TeamKarl-Ludwig Holl, Jörg Meister
Project LocationLindenstraße 10-12, 96317 Kronach-Neuses, Germany
ClientDr. Schneider Unternehmensgruppe
Prize(s)Silver in Transportation / Auto Accessories and Interiors
Entry Description

In future mobility, there will be no “workplace driver“ and generally no defined places for persons/features in cars. Like at home: no one would glue furniture to the floor. Furniture in Italian: mobili! Get mobile with your car interior – the “Textile Lightweight Console“-DesignConcept is a new design- and technology approach, which takes account of new requirements and conditions in future carinterior design. The “Textile Lightweight Console“ was designed, visualized and also a fully functioning prototype was built – and shown at automotive exhibitions around the world with enormous success.