Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Symbio SwitchCycle, Life Fitness | International Design Awards Winners
Symbio SwitchCycle, Life Fitness | International Design Awards Winners
Symbio SwitchCycle, Life Fitness | International Design Awards Winners
Symbio SwitchCycle, Life Fitness | International Design Awards Winners
Symbio SwitchCycle, Life Fitness | International Design Awards Winners
Symbio SwitchCycle, Life Fitness | International Design Awards Winners
Symbio SwitchCycle, Life Fitness | International Design Awards Winners

Symbio SwitchCycle

CompanyLife Fitness
Lead DesignersInternal Design Team
CreditsPhotos by SYN, UK
Project LinkView
Entry Description

The Symbio SwitchCycle design language is defined by clean forms that are continuous across multiple materials. Cast aluminum components elevate the product to align with the luxury spaces for which it was designed. Gloss accents divide large surfaces and add a premium touch.

The first 2 in 1 upright cycle in the fitness industry. Seated or out-of-saddle functionality allows the SwitchCycle to be used as a traditional upright bike or a performance cycle. Seat and fore/aft handlebar position sensors trigger animations that guide exercisers to the ideal adjustment for their body type.