Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners
ZEISS Vison ID, Goods & Services | International Design Awards Winners


CompanyGoods & Services
Lead DesignersSean Metcalf and Matheus Meneghel
Design Team Erica Ortmann, Betsy Spain, Scott Jennings
Prize(s)Gold in Multimedia / Interactive Media
Project LinkView
Entry Description

For more than 175 years ZEISS’ high-end microscopes have been essential to many forms of scientific research and breakthrough discoveries. Experts in the scientific community have flocked to trade shows to interact with ZEISS’ groundbreaking technology.

When it came to brainstorming campaign ideas, we wondered: what if the scientists—and their scientific breakthroughs—were the heroes of the story? So we targeted scientists, in a variety of disciplines, all with powerful stories to share about their compelling breakthroughs, and interviewed each of them about how ZEISS made their work possible