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Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners
Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care),  | International Design Awards Winners

Maternity Care(A mobile maternal health center for maternity based on intelligent health care)

UniversityTsinghua University, Beijing Forestry University
Lead DesignersYuze Li, Yue Liang
Project LocationBeijing, China
Prize(s)Silver in Industrial & Life Science Design / Design for Social Impact, Gold in Family And Children's Products / Pregnancy & Maternity Products
Entry Description

We find that in Nepal, pregnant women in rural and remote areas have a poor experience of maternity care because of delays in transporting them to hospitals and in accessing effective care upon arrival. This cause many maternal deaths.
As designers, we want to change this situation. So we intend to establish a mobile maternal health centre. Standardized trained doctors drive to pregnant women's villages to provide them with maternity care and delivery service. As a result, they can receive good medical care even if they don’t travel long distances.