We are students on the Diploma in Foundation Studies, Art & Design, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales, United Kingdom.
We have developed digital skills using Adobe Photoshop software on Apple Macintosh iMac computers; we have captured images using scanners and digital cameras, created digital images direct to the computer screen via drawing tablets.
The course assisted us to prepare for higher education and future employment within art and design. It is a first step in training as a professional artist or designer, with opportunities to explore a wide range of specialist art and design subjects.
Graphic Communication students at Coleg Llandrillo, Rhos-on-Sea and Rhyl, Wales, United Kingdom. Graphics tutor is a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers with 45 years commercial graphic design and education experience.
Bronze Award, 10th International Design Awards, Los Angeles, 2016.
Gold Award, 11th International Design Awards, Los Angeles, 2017.
Honorable Mention Award, 12th International Design Awards, Los Angeles, 2018.
DNA Paris Design Awards Emerging Winner, 2019.
C2A Creative Communication Award, 2019.
DNA Paris Design Awards, Honourable Mention, 2020.
Silver Award, 14th International Design Awards, Los Angeles, 2020.
Official Selection, Illustrate (Graphic), London International Creative Competition, 2020.
DNA Paris Design Awards, Winner, 2021.
Honorable Mention Award, 15th International Design Awards, Los Angeles, 2021.
Honorable Mention Award, 16th International Design Awards, Los Angeles, 2022.
Honorable Mention Award, 17th International Design Awards, Los Angeles, 2023.
DNA Paris Design Awards, Winner, 2024.