Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Canvas,  | International Design Awards Winners
Canvas,  | International Design Awards Winners
Canvas,  | International Design Awards Winners
Canvas,  | International Design Awards Winners
Canvas,  | International Design Awards Winners
Canvas,  | International Design Awards Winners


Lead Designers
Prize(s)Gold in Media And Home Electronics / Home Computers
Entry Description

Canvas is a computer for the 21-century designer. Incorporating both modern and traditional design techniques into a computer that will increase the quality and productivity of the designers work. Canvas will allow an artist or designer to use the PC with little to no training By making the PC experience seem natural and familiar to a non digital designer or artist.

The design of canvas aims to enhance the life and productivity of those in creative professions. By making the PC experience seem natural and familiar, a non-digital designer or artist can use Canvas and have the experience of traditional design with speed and productivity of a PC.

Canvas emulates traditional design techniques to allow digital and non-digital designers and artist to have an increased level of quality and productivity in their work.

Canvas is designed to be used like "paper", or an advanced tablet, and then be transformed for traditional PC uses.

The toolbars and auxiliary information are displayed separately on the sidebars allowing the workspace to be completely blank. This keeps the main screen dedicated as a workspace with nothing to inhibit the users productivity.

Canvas is for all of those in creative professions.


Technology oriented designer local to the Seattle area.
-Industrial Design
-Product Development
-Hardware and software design