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Product design, No Picnic | International Design Awards Winners
Product design, No Picnic | International Design Awards Winners
Product design, No Picnic | International Design Awards Winners

Product design

CompanyNo Picnic
Lead DesignersSam Peters
ClientSam Peters
Prize(s)Silver in Office Equipment / Stationery
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Making meetings even smoother

This is the Evoko Liso which revolutionizes the way we
meet. It is a touch-screen solution for all your meeting
rooms. No more double bookings, confusion and interrupted
meetings. Bright and lovely to look at, believe it or not. It’s
mission is clear: make sure all your meeting rooms are
being used in a truly effective way.

Bright and helpful
Evoko Liso is built on a completely new platform. With a
new smooth look and graphical user interface. It’s easier
than ever to book a room with your favorite digital calendar
– or directly on the screen. You can even search for other
rooms and book them on any Evoko Liso within the network.
Evoko Liso actually changes information on the display when
someone walks up to it.

Analytical and efficient
You get decision-making support that truly cuts cost by
analyzing statistics in the web based Evoko Home.