Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Bowflex® Hvt® Machine, Nautilus, Inc. | International Design Awards Winners
Bowflex® Hvt® Machine, Nautilus, Inc. | International Design Awards Winners
Bowflex® Hvt® Machine, Nautilus, Inc. | International Design Awards Winners
Bowflex® Hvt® Machine, Nautilus, Inc. | International Design Awards Winners
Bowflex® Hvt® Machine, Nautilus, Inc. | International Design Awards Winners
Bowflex® Hvt® Machine, Nautilus, Inc. | International Design Awards Winners

Bowflex® Hvt® Machine

CompanyNautilus, Inc.
Lead DesignersNautilus, Inc. Product Development Team
Prize(s)Silver in Outdoor And Exercise Equipment / Exercise Equipment
Entry Description

The Bowflex HVT machine has reinvented the home gym with Hybrid Velocity Training – a new approach to fitness that combines cardio and strength training into one of the fastest, most effective workouts ever designed. In as little as 18 minutes and 20 seconds, users can burn calories and build muscle with a dynamic coaching console that guides users of every level and provides resistance adjustment at the turn of a dial. With built-in Bluetooth smart technology and the HVT app, users can choose from pre-built workouts or create their own, choosing from 50 trainer-led exercise videos.