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Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners
Ophelia, The Doll That Dies,  | International Design Awards Winners

Ophelia, The Doll That Dies

Lead DesignersJordan Jones
Design TeamJordan Jones, Meredith Webb
Prize(s)Silver in Other Products Designs / Other Products designs
Entry Description

Ophelia is a product that stirs up a diverse array of opinions and questions, but ultimately has the power to change perspectives on death. Ophelia is a doll made
out of biodegradable and compostable materials that degrade over time with play, representing death. Ophelia serves as a tool for starting a conversation between
parents and their children about the end of life. Ophelia begins life like any other doll on shelves. But Ophelia, unlike other dolls, begins to show signs
of age. One day Ophelia will die, and parents can prepare their child and educate them on the inevitability of death.