Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners
VAO,  | International Design Awards Winners


Lead DesignersJoshua Probst
Design TeamJoshua Probst
Project LocationHouston Texas, USA
Prize(s)Gold in Industrial And Life Science Design / Medical Furniture
Entry Description

VAO is a smart mirror-integrated system designed to help eating disorder centers and patients through Diagnosis, Recovery, Monitoring, and Progression. VAO creates a Virtual Augmented Outline of what a patient’s healthy body silhouette should be. This gives patients the ability to see and understand where their personal healthy body goal should be. The VAO system also includes apps for the center, and at home use to prevent patient relapse. The hope of this project is to not only help those with eating disorders but to change our society’s perception of beauty to a healthy, attainable one.


A Good Designer must not only have the foresight to envision the impact of their design, but also be humble enough to learn from others and discern whether a product should be made at all.