Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners
Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners
Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners
Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners
Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners
Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners
Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners
Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners
Come-rade,  | International Design Awards Winners


UniversityIran University of Science and Technology
Lead DesignersSima Fotouhi, Reyhane Khodaie
Prize(s)Silver in Design For Society / Design for Elders
Entry Description

According to recent studies, walking improves heart health,lowers blood sugar and reduces chronic pain among seniors as well as giving them the opportunity to engage in groups and to be more social. Come_rade, is a health attendant that motivates elders to WALK and move, including a smart cane synced with a mobile application installed on the elder user's Smart phone, one of his/her close relatives or caretaker. Come-rade is a WALK back to a healthy life that improves elder generation’s physical state and mental health through a simple exercise.