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Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners
Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign,  | International Design Awards Winners

Bandaid Legacy of Strength Campaign

UniversitySavannah College of Art and Design
Lead DesignersLachelle Robotham
Design TeamLachelle Robotham, Samuela Chery
Prize(s)Gold in Multimedia / Social media campaign
Entry Description

The Band-Aid Legacy of Strength Campaign was inspired by Band-Aid and its 100-year partnership in healing with moms everywhere. From the moment you slipped and fell to the moment mom made it all better, the process of getting a Band-Aid reminds you of a mother's love and the strength to persevere. This social media campaign included features such as IGTV and Instagram stories, through which users could actively engage and share their personal Band-Aid memories while honoring the mothers who care for them.