Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners
E-YES Amblyopia Trainer,  | International Design Awards Winners

E-YES Amblyopia Trainer

UniversityMing Chi University of Technology (MCUT)
Lead DesignersChien-Chen Lai , Fang-Ping Hsu , Prof. Kai-Chu Li
Design TeamChien-Chen Lai , Fang-Ping Hsu , Prof. Kai-Chu Li
Project LocationTaiwan
Prize(s)Silver in Toy Design / Toy for Children
Entry Description

E-YES Amblyopia Trainer is designed to improve the amblyopia children's trainer, through gamified lenses and interesting AR templates, let children observe the world while doing eye muscle training, and solve the training needs of Amblyopia children, can be adjusted for single-eye training, color training, focus training and so on...