Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Salon, a game of Tables & Chairs, Alan Bruton Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Salon, a game of Tables & Chairs, Alan Bruton Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Salon, a game of Tables & Chairs, Alan Bruton Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Salon, a game of Tables & Chairs, Alan Bruton Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Salon, a game of Tables & Chairs, Alan Bruton Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Salon, a game of Tables & Chairs, Alan Bruton Studio | International Design Awards Winners

Salon, a game of Tables & Chairs

CompanyAlan Bruton Studio
Lead DesignersAlan Bruton
Project LocationHouston, Texas
Prize(s)Gold in Toy Design / Board and card Game, Bronze in Design For Society / Designs for Social Impact
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Smarter than Checkers but dumber than Chess, "Salon, a game of Tables & Chairs", turns the experience of the familiar space of those gridded boards from a confrontational territory of hierarchy and battle into a room of more egalitarian social interaction. Black/White polarity is transformed into a greater range of greys while the goal is still to win competitively. In Salon one makes points by forming Conversations. While playing Salon, you discover that sometimes allowing someone into a Conversation makes points for persons other than you, and yet you can still Make Your Point in Salon.