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Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners
Conformity's Curse,  | International Design Awards Winners

Conformity's Curse

UniversitySavannah College of Art and Design
Lead DesignersEmily Knoettner
Design TeamEmily Knoettner, Morgan Perry, Lulu Pennell
CreditsEmerson Scheerer and Joel Dubroc
Prize(s)Silver in Haute Couture / Women, Bronze in Apparel Category / Apparel Projects, Bronze in Apparel Category / Garment Concepts, Silver in Apparel Category / Runway Collections
Entry Description

They say life is a journey, not a destination. I believe that to be especially true in art and emotions. Through the processes of developing Conformity’s Curse, the goal was to let go of the outcome and step into the fluidity of creation. So often in life we are consumed by the need for control; of situations, of outcomes, of ourselves. That restriction of always trying to be in control leads us to feel suffocated and afraid, chained down by the pressure of acceptance. Conformity’s Curse was the process of regaining identity in the chaos, and finding beauty in the darkness.