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Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners
Chair 4 Life,  | International Design Awards Winners

Chair 4 Life

Lead DesignersBruce Renfrew - Renfrew Group International
Prize(s)Gold in Industrial And Life Science Design / Medical Furniture
Project LinkView
Entry Description

The NHS National Innovation Centre (NIC) launched a competition to build on research to develop the next phase for a pediatric powered wheelchair which could meet the needs of a wider user base. Renfrew Group won the tender to develop the “Chair4Life” initiative, and have worked closely with users, carers and key stakeholders to refine the specification. The collaborative work has now been completed and the result is a modular wheelchair that can accommodate children aged 4-18 years plus, with a range of features that allow for unprecedented levels of user customization. The chair really can grow with the child and allows for important 'eye to eye' contact for all ages and their peers. A fully working prototype has been unveiled at the NHS Expo in March 2013, and is currently under further evaluation by NHS commissioners and the Department of Health to facilitate the next stage. The C4L could change so many lives for the better.