The poster is showing some of the 200 signs of the H-and-S system that was designed as an experiment, which can be purchased now as a font. Different colored hands are building a larger symbol, which represents an open hand. Inside it, within five colors range are five categories of hands. Symbolic or gestual, alone or in pairs, gestures either alone or holding an object. A qr-code brings the viewer to an animation showing the entire production.
Jean-Benoit Levy, Visual Designer, Swiss - US.
Educated in graphic design at the Basel School of Design. JBL is a graphic designer and visual communicator. For over 20 years JBL is the founder and principal of the graphic "Studio AND" in Basel. Known more for his posters, JBL has received numerous design awards and published a book about hand signs. JBL works on projects emphasizing visual design, information design, and visual communication. Member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), and AIGA, JBL has also a wide experience in teaching. He lives now in San Francisco, California.
2016 - Best award, Korean Society of Basic Design Art International Art + Design. Seoul, South Korea
2015 - Nomination. Urban Aesthetic. Poster Design Competition. Samsun, Turkey
2015 - Silver Winner. IDA 2014. International Design Awards. Los Angeles, USA
2014 - Grant Recipient Sappi, Ideas that Matter. Redesigning the San Francisco Street Sheet. Coalition on Homelessness, Boston, USA
2012 - 3rd Price Award. Commercial category. 12. International Poster Biennal in Mexico Poster. Mexico City, Mexico
2004 - Second price Award. 4. International Triennal of the Stage Poster. Sofia, Bulgaria