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Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners
Moon Hut, Deve Build | International Design Awards Winners

Moon Hut

CompanyDeve Build
Lead DesignersYu Feng
Design TeamDeve Build
Project LocationDawn Home, Shenzhen
ClientPingshan District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau
CreditsPhoto by : Maggie Ma
Prize(s)Honorable Mention
Entry Description

Anyone who wants to visit “Moon Hut” has to bow down to come in. Whoever you are, there is no “entrance” if you refuse to lower your head, or the “entrance” is around. In this huge area of Hakka ancestral hall, “Moon Hut” silently reminds all visitors, as if telling ‘hold your head down, be modest in heart, and keep humble.’ This is the sorrow of our shared “nostalgia” in this age.