The Selection Process
After all submission has been finalized IDA staff jury and a member of IDA jury will start the process of selecting the IDA OFFICIAL SELECTION, the first round is to narrow the entries for the main jury. This process is to select the qualified entries and prepare them for the jury voting. Each year, based on the points (1-100) that the jury has assigned to each entry the participants can receive a Gold, Silver or Bronze certificate. Each category can have multiple gold, silver and bronze or none at all, depending on the juries rating.

One entry in each discipline, architectural, interior, product, graphic and fashion will receive the sought-after IDA trophy at the biannual awards ceremony. The jury votes on realized or conceptual entries, based on its originality, function, innovation and statics.
All successful entrants will receive the IDA Winner's logo, and are entitled to use it for commercial purposes to promote their winnings. Receiving an IDA award not only is a significant achievement in design, but also ensures that the award winners will receive promotional material to publicize their winning. |

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