IDA 2024 NOW OPEN -- Regular Deadline October 31, 2024
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STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners
STOP MOTION CINEMA,  | International Design Awards Winners


Lead DesignersAjax Law & Virginia Lung
Prize(s)Honorable Mention
Entry Description

Every film composes of thousands of stop motions. This continuation of frames produces the illusion of a moving image, freeing our minds to see what is within and beyond. The designers freeze and extract these ‘motion fragments’, embedding the elements within the cinema perimeter.
Upon stepping into the ticket office, the counter and the wall act as if they have a life of their own. They rotate slightly towards various directions and angles, mimicking the life of a creature. This scenario reminds one of the scenes in some science fiction movies. Up in the ceiling, at a precise moment every individual slide owns a different
shape. Some of the white ones are light boxes, flying towards various dimensions to form unified shape.
The wall also adheres the same concept; pieces of irregular fragments simulate ‘stop motions’, as if to regain the form as a whole. Auditorium extends the illusion of stop motion.